I had a chance to sit down with three members of Noise Auction at Rock on the Range in Columbus, Ohio May 22nd and they hail from the area. The members interviewed were Se7eN (guitars/vocals), Shorty (bass/vocals), and Ryan (keys/vocals).
MsBrandyRock: Did ya’ll know there is a memorial site dedicated to you online?
Noise Auction: Let us say on record, Noise Auction is not dead, baby!
MsBrandyRock: You guys know Joan Red, right?
Shorty: yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
MsBrandyRock: Anthony told me you, specifically were theatrical during your live shows. What does that mean?
Shorty: Theatrical as in I swing my dreads around and I come and pat Se7eN and Ryan on the ass, very theatrical in that aspect!
MsBrandyRock: Ok I found this describing ya’ll. I don’t remember if this is on your myspace page but it said ‘proud of being a rock band, while others follow trends’.
Ryan: If it’s not it probably should be because it makes sense. Listen to the radio it’s a package deal that they present to you. From media, from economics, from the market, what people think they should be listening to? We’re going to create what we want to and let people make their own mind up.
MsBrandyRock: Exactly, I was looking up all the bands I had not heard of when I found out I was getting the opportunity to come to Rock on the Range. You guys caught my attention, but most of the bands I support don’t get mass radio play, such as Joan Red. There are so many mid level touring bands, 10 times better than half of the bands playing this festival but they aren’t here.
MsBrandyRock: Ya’ll have worked with producer, Joe Viers, who has also worked with Bobaflex. Do ya’ll know them?
Noise Auction: Oh, very well, yes
MsBrandyRock: Ok this band Hydrovibe (St. Heather), who they have toured with, told me that I should never want to get in Bobaflex’s heads because it’s not a good place to be.
Se7eN: Very true.
Ryan: I can tell you one of the best jokes I have ever heard in my life.
MsBrandyRock: What?
Ryan: I’m not going to go there never mind. But, that’s how serious I’m talking about. Bobaflex is off the wall and like that musically. They go above and beyond what you would normally expect from a band. They’ve always been successful because they go that extra mile.
MsBrandyRock: Are ya’ll working on a new CD?
Noise Auction: oh yeah, absolutely
MsBrandyRock: Where can ‘A Stitch in Time’, the current CD, be purchased?
Noise Auction: http://www.myspace.com/noiseauction, at any of our shows, we sell them out of our trunks, Reverbnation, http://www.noiseauction.bigcartel.com/
MsBrandyRock: Was there some type of contest to get ya’ll on the show?
Se7eN: No, let’s clarify this real quick, we got chosen to play Rock on the Range, we were not part of the Battle of the Bands. No, disrespect for our boys in State Your Cause who won that. We got a high recommendation from Ronnie Hunter on 99.7 The Blitz, “Just Scott” from the Rock on the Range Party Page who was very vital in helping us get to play.
Ryan: There was one competition that we won, like a tribute to March Madness in college basketball, called Ranger Madness.
Shorty: It was like text in American Idol type voting.
MsBrandyRock: Really? Yeah, I didn’t even know there was a competition. I was just curious since ya’ll are ‘local’.
Se7eN: They decided to put one more Columbus band on. Definitely check out State Your Cause, very cool band, they go on tomorrow around 12:15.
MsBrandyRock: Ok, you have this cruise coming up with the Genitorturers? I showed up at one of their shows once, not knowing anything about the live show, to see a band from New York City called Sex Slaves. And I was kind of shocked. How did ya’ll wind up being chosen for the cruise?
Noise Auction: ***laughter*** Good story.
MsBrandyRock: Well you know I had never seen people hanging from hooks before.
Shorty: Well it’s kind of the same thing as Rock on the Range, someone who appreciates us, they got a hold of us, asked us if we wanted to do a show that involved us going on a cruise with some national bands. We’re always up for that kind of challenge. We’ve seen the Genitorturers before and we’re great fans of their show and it’s a great opportunity for us.
MsBrandyRock: Do you have any endorsements from any of the gear you abuse?
Noise Auction: Speed Evil Clothing. We are working on any type of endorsement we can get.
MsBrandyRock: Any future touring plans?
Noise Auction: There are always future plans. Rock on the Range is a step in that direction. It’s a good place to make good contacts and head in that direction. Whatever we can get, we’ll take.
MsBrandyRock: I saw something else written about Noise Auction. ‘Hard rock with a twist’. What is the twist?
Ryan: Vocal, guitar, keyboard, electronic melodies. This makes it a little different and raw.
MsBrandyRock: Ok, I’m all about the live show. So why should I see you guys live tomorrow?
Noise Auction: We’re a very energetic fun band to watch live. Good songs, good hard rock for everybody. We like to bring all the energy we can from the stage to the fans. Really connect with the fans.
Shorty: We also want people to know especially in Ohio that we are not letting up after Rock on the Range. We do have another festival coming up called Woodshock in August (13,14,15) We will be in PA, West Virginia, Kentucky, everywhere in a couple states region.
MsBrandyRock: What about South Carolina?
Noise Auction: There is no where we will not go.
MsBrandyRock: Ok, Se7eN. You are into photography. Why weren’t you here today taking pictures?
Se7eN: Cause I’m not here to work.
MsBrandyRock: You should have though, you’re from here, and you should have been like hey I need a pass. I want to take some pictures.
Se7eN: I’m here as music fan today.
MsBrandyRock: What type of photography do you do?
Se7eN: All kinds.
MsBrandyRock: Where did the name Se7eN come from?
Se7eN: I would love to tell you, but I would have to kill you. It’s something to do with luck.
MsBrandyRock: Lucky 7
Se7eN: Trust me that number comes up a lot in my life.
Ryan: The first time I met him his bar tab was $7.77.
MsBrandyRock: Well at least it wasn’t $6.66.
Se7eN: That woulda been cool too.
Ryan: But I wonder if he didn’t realize what he had to order plus tax.
MsBrandyRock: So Se7en is original. It’s your own thing. One day in the future band members are going to be putting 7 at the end of their names and it is going to be because of you.
Se7eN: Hey, if I can influence somebody, more power.
Press Pass granted by Brian Cade Photography at Muen Magazine.
Special thanks to Noise Auction for responding my request to do this interview.
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